Connecting Doctors to Villages: Doctales
Doctales provides testing and tele-consultations in remote areas and villages by sending mini vans to these locations, with devices that are needed for testing and a doctor available for tele-consultations. They constantly stream the doctors video and aim to replicate an in-clinic experience for patients in an online tele-consultation setting. They plan on connecting a doctor to every village so that patients receive healthcare that is easily accessible and the doctor-patient relationship is maintained.
Delivering quality healthcare in remote areas!
Devices such as Body Composition analyzer, hemoglobinometer, lipid profile analyzer, HbA1C Analyzer, Spirometer, Otoscope etc. can be connected to the MedTel app, through which the data is captured and updated at the doctor’s end. Based on the previous data and current vital reading trends of the patient, the doctor gets aggregated data through which they can arrive at conclusions to improve patient health. Also, the teleconsultations help the doctor to follow up with their patients and maintain a strong relationship with them to ensure they stay on track!
Aggregated Patient data to drive better insights!
Since all the patient data is digitized, aggregating and compiling it becomes very easy. This patient data helps doctors to take faster decisions of interventions if needed. Also, routine teleconsultations with the same doctor help ensure that patients get checked regularly even in areas where healthcare is not easily accessible and help patients stay on track with their lifestyle and medication changes.
Way Forward!
Currently, this is deployed in Murshidabad district, West Bengal. To scale this service to be able to operate pan India, Doctales plans on connecting one doctor to 3 or 4 villages and building multiple such networks that operate parallelly to ensure we have enough doctors to engage with and treat all patients in Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities. We plan on helping Doctales achieve this by ensuring we constantly iterate on our platform and push quality healthcare to every corner of this country!